
Huge jackpot winner at GATE777

September 12, 2019 Posted in News, Slots by No Comments
So, there was a huge jackpot winner at Gate777. They are a relatively new company who has a web and mobile gaming platform that is designed to bring users the experience of an online casino to their mobile devices. They handle many different currencies, games, slots, table games, and they pay out a lot of money daily.

GATE777 Casino

  • First-Class Casino
  • Fast Payouts
  • Huge selection of game providers
Gate777 unlike other casinos, are thrilled that their customers are winning money. They understand that when customers win money, they want to play more which enables them to make more money in turn. Since they are relatively new company, it is highly uncommon for new companies to shell out massive cash to their customers. However, in this situation it benefits them as people are reading about jackpots being one at their Casino, and this in turn will bring in new customers.Somebody won the huge jackpot at Gate777 for a cool 3.3 million dollars. That is life-changing money that the casino gave away due to them winning at a slot machine. He or she is lucky that they stopped at that casino at that point in time at that particular day and put that exact amount of money $50 into a slot machine in order to get them to win.

Now, as stated previously it is very uncommon for new casinos to give out a lot of cash. The reason why that is, is because if they gave away a lot of cash, in turn they wouldn’t have cash. If a company gives away money, they’re essentially giving away their profits. However, in this case they may have just struck gold.

News starts to generate a lot of buzz around the fact that this new casino has given away 3.3 million dollars to its first jackpot winner. This is great publicity for the company, and they can capitalize on this momentum. The reason that they are happy the customer won is because it generates more interest for their Casino. This will then bring more customers that want to win more money equaling a win-win for both company and customer.

The person who won the jackpot at 3.3 million dollars, their life is now changed forever. They would now be considered a millionaire, and it is all thanks to the fact that they decided to visit a casino on a particular day. I’m sure that whomever won the money is excited about their win and can’t wait to put a couple hundred dollars back in to win some more. This person could win the jackpot maybe somebody else win’s it next time, but no one knows unless they try.

So, why did casinos not like people to win money when the news of people winning jackpots would be so great that other people would want to come and visit their Casino? Well, the answer is simple they have enough people that come into their Casino and gamble away hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they don’t pay out half as much as what they get from their customers. Gate777 is a different company and has a different set of morals that many other Casino should go by. Having a winner of this magnitude at their Casino shows that they are willing to pay out big bucks and be happy about that person receiving a life-changing amount of money.

Their Casino is able to be downloaded from a browser or phone and can be installed to any cellular provider. It’s as easy as entering information and putting down a deposit and claim your free spins deposit bonus. The next person to sign up might be the next jackpot winner. So, what is he or she waiting for when 3.3 million dollars could be up for grabs?

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Lukas Mollberg

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Lukas is the head author at FreeSpinsBonus and responsible for all content strategies and what casinos we review.Lukas has a background of playing poker in the early years of the poker boom in Europe. He became an expert within the online gambling and has been working as an author for several websites.

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